Nine Ways Infinite Thailand Can Make You A Billionaire.
your future you is already much richer than you think
1. Just as AirBnb grew off Craigslist, BanBan grew off Airbnb: it starts as a collaboration between artists and successful airbnb hosts; the company funds a collaboration which makes money, first, as high quality singular airbnb in cities all across Thailand. Happy guests get invitation to membership in the new platform, where they pay X a year and get both Y free days, including days to give, and sponsorship of new BanBans.
2. Whoever can introduce Comrade BB to Thailand, whoever can manage Comrade BB, arrange for his editorials to be in the right place, set up the right interviews, whoever can help publish his books, make the right introductions for him, get product endorsements, get the tutor get him speaking thai: whoever can do this will be a co-billionaire with Comrade BB. All crazy talents need management. This person will be a billionaire also as a founder of selfmgmgt.
3. one extremely popular show on netflix will not make you a billionaire but prototyping the new genre of ‘reality sitcom’ will, because you will both be able to sell attention on streamers and also coffee and pastries. cogirl cafe is both a sitcom about a cooperative/utopian cafe, it is also the cafe itself.
4. you are the marketing magician who sold ‘infinite thailand’ to the tourism authority of thailand; the world knows about “amazing thailand” it needs a new thailand to learn about: infinite thailand, a thailand where anything can and does happen — even happy endings.
5. you orchestrate the creation of the bangkok tunnelparks, which increase property value in bordering houses at least ninefold. You create an institutional way to connect this increase in property value with the creation of the parks themselves.
6. you found I_THAI_CAPES, the infinite thailand contemporary are pre-eminence system, an interdisciplinary initiative and holding company dedicated to Thailand as a leading hub for contemporary art — via the development of (1) widespread contemporary pictoral/sculptural excellence orchestrated into both (2) re-integrated architectural work (frescos, etc) and (3) multiple movements of art historical artworks (4) institutions to capture value from (1-3): storage centers, art supply stores, artistic academies, auction houses.
7. you fuse dystopian culture and crowsourced finance and start durian capital.
8. you are the founder of fafa, a platform for collaborative ownership.
9. you are the speaking face of infinite thailand.